Dan Toma - YO3GGX - yo3ggx@gmail.com
This is a light version (requires only the command line environment, no GUI) of the JAReC application, which can be used to redirect one of your personal computer serial ports and one audio channel to an Ethernet connection. In this way you will be able to connect to any serial port (Computer embedded, USB/Serial module or Bluetooth serial module) remotely over the network and also transfer audio with a special client. Some of my Android applications, are able to connect to serial ports via Ethernet using this program. The PocketRxTx Android application can use the secure authentication feature to securely connect and then control (CAT) a radio transceiver connected to the host PC over the Internet, including audio support.
The mini version of jAReC has the same basic features as the GUI based one, but with some limitations, described later. For the full list of features please consult jAReC v3.0 user guide available online here (multilingual):
or as a PDF file here (English only):
The current version of this application has the following limitations:
The following jAReC features are not available in jarecmini:
Configuration files import/export (from/to PocketRxTx).
Data monitoring function.
The configuration file must be manually created/edited or you may use one from the JAReC application.
This program has not been tested yet on the Mac platform however it should most likely work.
Use this application on your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to your system or radio.
This file is the same format as the one created by the full jAReC ( GUI ) version. You can edit the file using the GUI and then use it with this console (mini) version.
To use the application, you must download the latest java 8 runtime from Oracle (currently version 1.8.0_192).
When you first start the application with the default configuration file, ensure that the parameter bAutostart is set to false. The list of current settings and what ports are available on your system will be displayed.
To start the application in Windows, open a command prompt and go to the folder where jarecmini.jar and jsn.cfg file was placed.
Run the command java –jar jarecmini.jar:
You will be displayed a list of available COM ports, audio in and audio out devices. Please note the number before the name of the audio device you want to use (for both in and out).
Edit the configuration file (jsn.cfg) according to your needs. Keep bAutoStart=false and run again to check that you selected the right parameters. When ready, change bAutoStart=true and run again. The application will go to listening mode:
When you start a connection from PocketRxTx the remote IP address will be displayed, the audio channel will be started (if activated) and login authentication performed (if selected).
You can now use the connection. If you stop PocketRxTx, then jarecmini will go back to listening mode.
Using a terminal window enter the following command when you are in the folder containing the program and configuration file:
java –jar jAReC.jar
Operation is the same as described under the Windows environment.
You can simultaneously start several instances of the application, one for each serial port which you wish to access across the network. If you have multiple transceivers, you can start one instance of the application for each of them. The only requirement is to use a different TCP port for each connection, in order to have unique network sockets.
The serial Port can not only be a local physical serial port (like the COM port on the motherboard or an USB/Serial interface) but also virtual COM ports are supported. One example is the virtual com port created by a Bluetooth interface. This means can connect to your Bluetooth devices over the network using jarecmini.
Version 0.8.1 (Sep 7, 2014). First public release of the application
Starting with the version 0.9.0-16, jarecmini has the same features as the GUI version, so please check the history in the GUI version user guide bearing in mind the limitations described here.
Version 3.0 (Jan 14, 2019). The new version to be used with Pocket RxTx v3
jarecmini_v3.0.pdf Bucharest, Jan 19 2019 – © Dan Toma – YO3GGX – yo3ggx@gmail.com